Congress Restoration

2 Step Restoration Proposal

1. Restore Valuable Money – According to Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 of the US Constitution, no state shall “make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

Since going off gold standard and creating fiat money in 1971:
Homes cost more
Inflation makes life more difficult
Home formation is later in age
Leads to few children or none

So, fiat money has destroyed demographics and empowered massive deficits.

Constitutional Intent

The Constitution’s provision on gold and silver money reflects the framers’ intention to restrict states from issuing their own currencies and to establish a uniform standard for debt repayment. By limiting legal tender to gold and silver coins, the Constitution aimed to maintain a stable and reliable system for settling debts.

2. Restore citizen representation to 30,000:1 – According to Article I, Section 2 “The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand“.

Since 1929 the US House of Representatives has been 435. Now each congressional district represents 760,000 people. The US Constitution lists no maximum or defined quantity of citizen representatives in the US House of Representatives.

  • The United States Constitution initially established a representation ratio of one representative for every 40,000 people. However, this ratio was later modified to one representative for every 30,000 people. The change from 40,000 to 30,000 was made during the Constitutional Convention in 1787. George Washington, the Convention’s president, suggested reducing the ratio to ensure more adequate representation. 

Restore the 30,000:1 citizen representation ratio. Based on today’s population of approx. 340,000,000 we need approx. 11,300 members of the US House of Representatives. These 11,300 members form the Lowerarchy.

  • Members can work locally in offices open to the constituents. Members should be available for dialog with constituents.
  • Communications with Washington DC could be remote, electronic. Vote of 11,300 districts record using blockchain technology.
  • Congressional committee meetings, hearings can be held via Zoom or similar technology.
  • Districts could vote via blockchain to Nulliveto/Opt Out any existing law, regulation, ordinance.