
The Set-Up

Just about everyone agrees there is too much animosity in politics in the USA. Any resolution must be bi-partisan and acceptable to a broad majority of the population.

The “Experts” on both sides sow discord on network television NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News. All decisions are binary. You must choose a side:



Racial:Black/White…..Gender:Male/Female….. every method for binary outcomes.

The Big Diversion

This binary smokescreen disguises the diversion, while citizens argue policies.

The real game to manufacture money, then “transfer” the money through executive order, congressional committee assignments and seniority, continuing resolutions, omnibus spending bills to special interest groups.

The US congress is completely unaccountable and out of control.

The problem is caused by both the Democrat or Republican parties. Both parties are playing the same playbook.

All citizens regardless of party affiliation or any other demographic should hold congress accountable to “We the People”.

Restore Congress

Restore Congress simply a restoration effort of previously accepted norms that have been diverted from the original intent over time.

Restore Congress is a grass-roots, ground up effort to give voice to individuals using federal or federated democratic groups, “federations”.

Working through “federations”, local trusted groups, individuals can select a representative.

Ideally, local federations are formed within existing geographic jurisdictions; states, counties, precincts, zip codes.

Federations discuss topics in need of restoration, then propose their ideas to other federations for consent, advice, mutual agreement.

Initially, the focus is on the two fundamental problems :

  1. Sound Money
  2. Improved Representation