Two Party Hierarchy
Congress is a hierarchy of positions in two party leadership and committee assignment. Seniority plays a large role in determining key committee positions and assignments. Between party leadership seniority and lobbyist funding influence, even the most public spirited congressman can be forced into compliance with interests conflicting the taxpayer citizen’s in the home district.
The problem is caused by both the Democrat or Republican parties. Both parties are playing the same playbook.
While campaign contributions do not directly dictate committee assignments, they can influence a congressman’s ability to secure a coveted committee seat through their fundraising prowess and loyalty to their party.
Lobbyists are ready and willing to provide these campaign contributions necessary to gain key committee assignments. Consequently, lobbying is a significant aspect of the political landscape in Washington D.C. and its surrounding counties.
Pharmaceutical industry, Big Tech corporations, Healthcare organizations, and Energy (solar, wind, oil, gas,) industry, Banking and Financial industry, Agricultural industry have increased their lobbying efforts in recent years.
More and more Lobbyists, Big Tech, Special Interests are openly discussing regulating movement, travel, 15 minute cities. The proposed required permits for normal life is called “Permissionism”. We must stop this over-reach.
Taxpayer citizens yearn for better representation, however the Washington DC system of lobbyist and special interest group representation influence is far too powerful for a congressman to overcome. Once in Washington DC, the pressure to conform to the system of following entrenched lobbyist, special interest and party leadership is overwhelming.
Citizen Despair
US taxpayer citizen’s loss of representation, then dependence on the Executive branch:
- Lack of Local Input/Voice
- Federal One Size Fits All Policies
- Immigration and Border Policy Confusion
- Federal Funding Disparities
- Cultural and Geographic Differences
- Economic Inequality
- Loss of Political Representation
- Legal and Constitutional Challenges
- Loss of Regional Identity
- Fear of “Permissionism“
- General Disillusionment with Congress
These problems lead to citizen dependence on Presidential elections and the Executive branch forgoing placing their confidence in Congress.
This dependence on the Executive branch leads to more hopelessness, then open talk of succession, separation, civil war, chaos. This is because citizens perceive Congress has ignored their interests and they have no voice, their Congressmen are ineffective. This Congressional problem must be corrected.
Congress’s purpose must be restored. The purpose of congress is the key, not the Washington DC location or a 1929 restriction from representation.
Our founders recognized the country is divided into small community, state entities. The concepts of “Restore Congress” address this discontent with and by a peaceful restoration of citizen representation using existing government structure and the US Constitution.
US constitution recognizes the individual man’s life, liberty and pursuit of happiness are endowed by our creator, God. If you believe God endowed our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then we should use existing, peaceful laws to avoid civil conflict because of political and social disagreements.
Restoration Process
This plan outlines a legal congress restoration using the existing laws, agencies and infrastructure. It is simply time for a restoration to the original intend following our constitution called a “democratic republic”, or a “representative democracy”, and embodies the concept of “federalism”.
Architectural restoration is like unpeeling the layers back to basic foundational starting point. Unnecessary unpeeling or demolition is avoided, while inappropriate changes made by previous renovation deleted. In other words, find a starting point with a solid foundation. Then, restoration must be in keeping with the original intent while utilizing current technological components.
A quick restoration example
A new owner wants to restore a structure built in 1895. An assessment of existing status of the structure is two-fold.
-First, the operating system. the skeletal structure; the foundation, pillars, load bearing walls, load bearing beams, etc.
-Second, the applications; mechanical system; fixtures, appliances, mechanical systems, etc.
The skeletal structure, the operating system must be sound and secure, otherwise, the applications; mechanical systems, fixtures, appliances are useless.
So, assessment of first, the operating system, then second, applications.
Based on the total assessment of structure and mechanical system performance, a proposal is made to rectify structural skeletal integrity deficiencies, previous updates that are now outdated, enhance performance characteristics.
Congress Skeletal Structure
Equate operating system, the skeletal structure with the Constitution, amendments, and court rulings.
On the other hand, the applications, the mechanical systems, that is the fixtures, appliances equate to the applications are the laws, regulations, ordinances.
The operating system, the skeletal structure of the US Constitution has been modified and weakened by two events:
- In 1929, Congress passed the Permanent Apportionment Act, which limits US House of Representatives to 435. This law restricting representation has created a “hierarchy” that in turn is controlled by lobbyists and special interests. We must reverse this law and empower individuals.
- 1971 Pres. Nixon removed the USD from the gold standard.
These two events have:
- Eviscerated citizen voice, representation in direct defiance of the Constitution.
- Removed the value of the UDS thereby destroying the store of value, the denominator. This destruction of value is immoral and punishes citizens that can least afford.
Current Statistical Data:
- Originally, George Washington proposed each congressman represent 30,000 people.
- By1790 congress expanded to 37,143 people per district.
- Currently, each congressman represents over 760,000 people.
- We need 20-25 times more representation per George Washington’s proposal .
Current existing jurisdictional statistics:
- 50 states comprised of 3243 counties.
- 3143 counties comprised of 179,933 precincts.
- US Post Office has assigned 41,624 zip codes.
- The average population of a US county is approximately 104,435
The Executive Branch has assumed, over-taken the duties of Congress.
The over-reach of the executive branch has been orchestrated by lobbyists, special interests. Congress has been overwhelmed by special interests and lobbyists. Congress has deferred its lawmaking responsibility to executive branch bureaucrats.
Executive Branch Original Limited Duties:
Executive Branch was established by Article II of the United States Constitution, which vests the executive power in the President.
Initially, there were only three executive departments established under the Constitution:
Department of Finance
Department of State
Department of War
No social (justice, labor, urban, transportation, veterans affairs, health, education, welfare, housing, energy, interior, commerce, homeland security, agriculture) interests were bestowed upon the Executive Branch in the original US Constitution.
These responsibilities were directly bestowed upon the states. The federal government assumed these duties which were directly bestowed upon the states.
These duties must be returned to the states. The states and their subdivisions; counties, precincts know the populace best. The more local social programs are administered, the better the social contribution.